we closed! we sold our first home to an adorable couple...and get this... the gal and i are due a week apart! they are so excited & we even had a group hug at closing. & i only cried twice. we loved our home on oakland ave. so many sweet memories. we put a ton of work into that house and loved the character. i think we had every "creak" in our hardwood floors memorized after we had liv. the backyard hosted some great memorable parties including: my mom's surprise 50th bash, my 30th bday par-tay, and one of the funniest "white trash trailer bashes" in history. i'm sure it was a lot of hormones that made me so emotional about this decision but in the end, i've realized it truly is just a house & it's your family that make it a home! we'll miss it, but know it's time to find our next home that our kids will truly "grow up" in. fully equipped with bedrooms all on the same level, city water & perhaps even a real pantry. we're holding off really house-hunting & moving until AFTER baby barrett #2's arrival. we want to take our time and not just settle on a house. plus moving at 33 weeks prego is no.fun. and to be honest....the extra help, home-cooked meals, stashing cash and liv still getting plenty of attention comes at perfect timing. it's really easy when your parents are your best friends. we are so blessed. we're not roughing it by any means, and we all have our own bedrooms, (even the new babe!) score! so stay tuned to future posts, "tales from the compound!" haha.