pic o the week.
no-carve pumpkins!


there's a party in my city!

sweet treat!

i got liv a cupcake after her first day of school on thursday. she hasn't stopped talking about "da cupcake wif da flower and ballareena on top." me and my darling neighbor connie had a yard sale yesterday. it rained all day but i still managed to make some moo-lah and do some major de-cluttering. felt good.. but dang those are a lot of work, huh? went to the most adorable baby shower today for this sweet gal. love her! and now i'm about to hit the hay while wishing my husband hadn't talked me into doing a fantasy football this year. i just get too worked up! my team name is blondetourage and i'm out to beat all those firefighters. also, tonite liv and i were coloring and sure enough she knows all the colors of the rainbow (including turqouise) like nobodys business. i am so stinking proud of her.. now if she'd just stay in that stinkin "big girl bed" because i'm "supernanny" ed out! there's a lil weekend wrap-up for you.have a happy happy week! full of sweet treats!
back2school, back2school.

dear babysnatcher,
a little {long} clip.
hello friends and fam. sharing a little sing-along montage with you. yes, its over 4 minutes long. yes, i realize she has on a headband that may resemble a piece of lingerie. it's not, it really is just a lacy headband she wanted to borrow for the afternoon. along with the chunky turquoise necklace. and yes, i also realize she may start to have a bit of a mullet 'do. i won't be offended if you get bored and click stop half-way through. but i know liv's grammas & great grammas will love it..so im uploading! hope you had a happy and relaxing weekend. xoxo.
the playlist includes:
1. abc's
2. you are my sunshine
3. twinkle twinkle little star
4. baa baa black sheep
5. jesus loves the little children
6. jesus loves me
7. the b-i-b-l-e
8. yo gabba gabba chant
9. counting
store those white pants.

bday bash details. finally.
the thursday night before my birthday weekend i am woken up and COMPLETELY SURPRISED by my dear bestie crystal and jennifer, who had roadtripped 14 hours from texas. they came fully loaded with party details, decorations, prepped galore. just when i think the weekend can't get any better..crystal somehow gets me out of the house for a few to go get a fresh spray tan (not hard to do, ha!) i walk back in my house to my OTHER bestie of 17 years, elizabeth that lives in south carolina sitting down reading a book to liv. UNBELIEVABLE. this was the first time she had met liv! i have never been so surprised in all my life.
the weekend continued to blossom from there. champagne lunches. shopping trips. tapas and blueberry beers outside with perfect weather. my husband, family and friends completely takeover and create the most special birthday party right before my eyes. everything was just perfect. seriously my eyes are filling up with tears just writing this..i have never been so overwhelmed with love! my dear friend danny (and amazing hairstylist) shows up to my house saturday afternoon with loads of amazing bouquets of flowers, decorates, blows out my hair, i felt like a local celeb. words can't express how much i appreciated every little detail. especially the kareoke machine and dj that brought a trunk full of costumes. one of the best weekends ever. i am so incredibly blessed and so excited to see what this next decade of my life brings. here's a few pics!