yo blogga blogga.

do any of you peeps (with or without kiddos) besides miss savannah watch yo gabba gabba? seriously liv is obsessed. she runs through the house yelling, "foofa!" which is a pretty funny word to be yelling out if you ask me. we got her a mini-foofa..which is a pretty funny word for me to just type.. for her birthday which i swore that i would never (never say never) encourage "characters".. but when you see how excited they get..it suckers you in..and you'll do anything for a big smile. am i right? plus i honestly enjoy watching it. so does dutch. its kinda hilarious. and i help credit it for my tot's mad dancing skills. anyway..i stumbled across their production blog and added to my favs. all for now..happy humpday!
stay tuned..
good evening fellow blog readers. so here's the scoop- i have a new business venture that im super thrilled about.. im working very diligently on the details of it now.. well actually dutch is working on it out in the garage as i type this..but still. im waiting to tell you until i can show you the finished project in pictures..but im soooo excited!! all im gonna say is stash a few bucks because you're probably gonna wanna buy stuff from me and stay on the edge of your seats! xoxo, e.
still shakin things up..
two short years (& a week) ago dutch and i were blessed with the best gift ever. our hot mess of a daughter..wow. how time flies! seems like just yesterday i was laying on the third floor of a hospital while our just hours old little babe was down the hall in the NICU fighting to get fluid out of her lungs. as i laid in bed exhausted and trying not to completely freak out...i feel a shake.. not just any shake..like a real "holy crap, what is happening?" shake.. i knew i was tired and perhaps a bit delirious, but i wasn't imagining this. the state of indiana experienced a earthquake the night liv was born..really? within hours later, our babys lungs were fluid-free! here we are 2 years later and our healthy little girl still likes to shake things up. this past year we've gone from crawling to walking to running to jumping to skipping to bootie-dancing. from jibber jabber to repeating every word we say. from bottles to juice boxes. from fingers to forks. from a paranoid "blanket-free" crib to demanding to sleep with 4-5 blankets and 90 stuffed animals. from booties to boots. from baldness to pigtails. from baby to toddler.
im thrilled to see what the "not so terrible" twos brings us. im gonna do my best to make sure this year is known as the "terrific twos!" wish me luck folks. especially since our current favorite word is, "no. no. no." and we spilled about 32 ounces of chocolate milk on someones carpet in an adorable store tonite.. sorry kristyn.
this year we decided to keep liv's second birthday simple..which i've come to the conclusion..that is completely not possible for me. lets face it, i love to throw a party. we did have a great day though.. our wild one is now two and we celebrated at the zoo! (while wearing tutus).. do you love it?
of course ive created a collage o pics to sum up our celebration..


my how we've grown..
although i still am the mother of a ONE YEAR OLD (gotta say it while i still can..), we had our 2 year doctors appt. this afternoon. love that you can take pics on your phone now...helps you capture memories so much easier. snapped this on the exam table today..and then realized i have one from this time last year too. blows my mind!! more hair..skinned knees..and another clean bill of health. :) livs a petite gal weighing in at 23.5 lbs and 33 inches tall. 5 days and counting!

6 day countdown...
look for less.

do you think i can somehow make this pillow for less than $89?
i think i can. why do i love it? is it because i feel like i say this 89 times a day?
this gal handmakes each of these out of recycled water bottles. insane huh?
oh and liv says "awesome" now... a lot. perhaps ill try and post a video of it because im pretty sure you'll think its as adorable as i do. :)
this easter weekend..
i plan to put my lil "bunny" in this dress..
dye these eggs..
steal this adorable placecard idea..
read this book over and over..
and above all thank jesus..
hope everyones good friday is extra good!

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