it's official!

growing babe=growing fam=we need more space.
so we did it.
our house is on the market. officially.
sad, exciting, overwhelming, all at the same time. a few of my closets still need "tweaking" but i think we're ready. i mean my fridge is even organized. this whole situation is all in the good lords hands. keep us in your thoughts & prayers as we search for our next home. (and let's hope if a move is in the future it happens before this growing momma is huge.) i mean we for sure need time to perfect a nursery, right? honestly, i think putting your house on the market has to be on the "top ten stressful list." ha! it's tough trying to be clean all the time & not being able to hide stuff, jeez! happy easter weekend!
priceless princess post.
liv has her very first flower girl gig next month. she's super excited. i'm kinda nervous. but i think that's normal, right? anyway, the dress and hair accessory arrived from their etsy shops this week and we had a dress rehearsal tonite. had to share this clip. the first song is "someday my prince will come" and the second little jingle is from her current obsession, tangled. i want to just bottle up that giggle forever.
oh my, oh me. today our lil doll is three!

liv brooks barrett, you truly are our doll. just when we think we can't love your little face possibly any more..doggone..we fall even harder. today you had quote the "best birthday ever." you are such a blessed little lady. tons of friends and fam came to your digs to celebrate your big day. pony rides, petting zoo, and lots of cupcakes. (made with love by your very own omie.) of course like any parent, we think you're the most gorgeous smartest funniest tot around. you make our life so full. and we can't wait to see you play the role of big sis. you're gonna rock it sister. here's to a year full of loads of fun, minimal tantrums, and big girl panties. so proud of you doll. happy happy birthday muffin. thanks to all who were able to come & play today...and for those of you out-of-town...we miss you. xoxoxoxo
ok so here's a lil better one. check out those "kid" legs! looks like "almost-a-3-year-old" legs. 6 day countdown to the big par-tay.
liv, lately.
i've been so random lately. so i thought i'd take a minute and "jot" down some of the things our darling daughter has said in the last month or so i don't want to forget. it's so awesome to watch your kid grow and see their lil personality & sense of humor form more every day. seriously kids.are.so.funny even when they don't mean to be. here's a few of my favs:
liv is REAL into princesses and playing pretend. daddy is no longer daddy. he walks in the door & she says, "welcome home prince." pretty cute. she's constantly switching it up what princess she is, but never fails i'm the little mermaid. i don't mind. i know every single word to all her songs. :)
liv: momma, i'll be cindawella. you be wittle mermaid."
me: ok. oh hi cinderella! what are you doing?
liv (in the highest pitch of voice you can ever imagine): i'm just cleaning...so, you gotta tail?
now that's funny.
yesterday dutch yelled for me from downstairs. i answered with a "yeeeaaahhh..." liv says: momma, don't say yea, say yes m'aam. ta ha. nothing like getting called out by your two year old. (still working on sir vs m'aam.)
we were at the post office and the worker lady had THE most bodacious acrylic bedazzled fingernails you have ever seen on a woman. the counter is pretty high and liv always has to see what's going on so i had her on my hip. the gal says hello to liv. liv replies. " your nails are beautiful."
so big news at the barretts! we were determined to make this cozy lil house of ours work for our growing family. it's not ideal but we can streamline & simplify. well....after more problems with our well and the most adorable perfect homes popping up on the market... we've decided that if we put our house on the market...the worst that can happen is that our house doesn't sell. no biggie. decision made! aaahhh! i've been a de-cluttering and organinzing fool this weekend! we are putting a ton of stuff in storage, including a lot of liv's toys, little table and chairs, etc... she was getting upset last night that all her stuff was going away. i sat down and explained to her that she would get it back, we just are maybe going to try and find another house so we have more room for her new brother or sister. she sat for a second. in deep thought. and then says, "can't that baby just go in the closet?" wow. i somehow didn't laugh in front of her but have been internal giggling all morning at that one.
anyways say a quick prayer all will work out with our house situation. planning to list next weekend! glad that energy of mine is back, right? this is a lot of work!
enjoy your week! and since a "post" isn't complete without a picture... this is from the park yesterday enjoying the awesome weather! hooray, yippee, yay!

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