here are some random pics from twenty eleven. ones i never blogged that are just hanging out in my phone.

liv being liv.

bump alert.

dutch & i in the hospital waiting room..minutes before we got to hold finn for the first time.

my sweet cousin aka sister jana w finn. flew from texas to hold me up. love her more than words.

pumpkin patch. (i love men with diaper bags.)

the cutest gentleman around.

shopping trip with gramma kathy.
oh what.a.year. without a doubt, hands down, THE most eventful year of my 30 years of life. i can easily say i experienced my highest highs and the lowest lows in 2011. why you ask? well..let's see: i'll try & highlight a few things in chronological order. one year ago today, my sweet of the hardest working men i know lost his job. the job he had for 30 years and the reason why we live in indiana. although he had "exceeded expectations" on every single review he's ever gotten he was indeed "let go" without any notice and without any reason. although it was hard to see my dad so shocked & disappointed, it warms my heart the countless extra hours he's gotten in this past year just being "poppy."
ok so if i elaborate this much on all the events of 2011...i'd be here all night. so here goes: dad lost his job of 30 years. dutch and i finally got knocked up with baby barrett #2. we put our first home on the market. liv turned 3 years old. i got pretty fat. liv had her first flower girl gig and she screamed all the way down the aisle. we had 33 showings on the house in 2 months. we got an offer. an awesome one. we sold the house. we moved out. i was 7 months pregs. it got really really hot in indiana. i lost my ankles. we moved in with my parents. which totally rocks. i realized i'm really picky. i resigned from my job and embraced my new dream job of a "sahm." i went into labor. we had a baby boy. he decided to scare the crap out of us. but then we finally got to bring him home. my parents dog died. we adjusted to being a family of four. we laughed a lot. cried a lot. prayed a lot. i dang sure ate a lot. and am i really gonna go ahead and put this on the blog? yes i am. 2011. is the year i lactated on an innocent lady. the lady who i stood topless in front of while getting a postpartum spray tan before a night out with my husband. i took pictures of the breastmilk streaks down my body to prove it but that's just wildly inappropriate. oh 2011, thanks for the memories. you've forever changed me. i welcome 2012 with open arms and covered nipples. haha. good night folks.